
Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Letter to Santa by Annalise

Name: Annalise
Address: 20A North Pole Avenue
Date: 1 December 2014

Dear Santa,

I am writing this letter to you to ask if you could get me a present for Christmas. This is going to be about What I want for Christmas, why I deserve presents and who doesn't deserve presents.

These are some of the things that I want for Christmas.
  • Puppy
  • Shoes
  • Chocolate
  • Ipad
  • Laptop
  • Money
  • Dog

I think I deserve mostly all of these presents because I have been a good friend, I have tried to improve my work at school and because I've been good at school.

The people who don’t deserve Christmas Presents are people who haven't improved in their work and haven’t been nice .

I hope you understand why I want these presents, I hope you try give some of them to me thank you.

From Annalise :)

Letter to Santa by Albert

Name: Tafin- up
Address: 911 Mylittlebow Rd
Date: 10/23/3004

Dear Santa,

This letter is for you because you always snob me when you kept on giving presents to other kids.

For Christmas, I want a Big Monster Truck, Elephant, Bucket Hat, Playstation 4, and a Big Ferrari (better than yours).

I should deserve these presents because I have been good for 7 years and I have done all the stuff you told me to do.

Savelio should not deserve a present because he is a dangerous person and he was on police ten 7 and we should not approach him.

I hope you give me a present or else I will tell everyone your deepest secret.

From your best auntie Tafin-up

Letter to Santa by Savelio

Address:213 Compton

Dear Santa,

This letter is for you because every year you always snob me and you don't bring my present that I want and I'm asking for some presents.

What I want for Christmas. I want a money, Hummer, Impala, be a rich man and to be the best man in the world.

I deserve these presents because I have been a very good boy and I have been behaving in school.

Albert should not get his presents because he is no good, only good at games.

I hope you give me presents and don’t give Albert his PRESENTS.

from Savelio.