I am thankful for having Parents
I am thankful for being in the netball team
I am thankful for being loved by God
I can show I am Thankful by cleaning the house.
I can show I can show I am thankful by going to training.
I can show I am thankful by reading the Bible and going to Church.By Kelly
I am thankful for being loved by my beautiful family.
I am thankful for having food to feed me and my family.
I am thankful for water for me and my family to survive.
I can show I am thankful by saying thank you.
I can show I am thankful by giving someone some lunch when they don’t have any.
I can show that I’m thankful by doing my chores at home. By Lezabelle
Hello I just want to say WELL DONE to you because I had just read you lovely story called Being Thankful. Maybe next time you can use some more words that describes your lovely story about Being Thankful.... Well Done keep up the great work:)